
Monday, March 23, 2015

Russia's ambassador to Denmark said Saturday that the NATO country's navy could be targeted by nuclear missiles if it joins the Western alliance's anti-missile shield.

"COPENHAGEN — Russia's ambassador to Denmark said Saturday that the NATO country's navy could be targeted by nuclear missiles if it joins the Western alliance's anti-missile shield.
The threat made by Ambassador Mikhail Vanin in an opinion piece he wrote for the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten sparked an angry reaction and came amid an increasingly Cold War-style standoff between Moscow and the West.
"I do not think that the Danes fully understand the consequences of what happens if Denmark joins the US-led missile defense," Ambassador Mikhail Vanin wrote in the daily.
"If this happens Danish warships become targets for Russian nuclear missiles." "

(Photo: Yiannis Kourtoglou/AFP)

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