
Saturday, February 28, 2015

US-NATO Military Convoy of Tanks and Armored Vehicles at Russia’s Doorstep, Rolling Along the Estonia-Russia Border

Filmed Feb.23 2015

You can imagine how Putin might feel in this regard, [a US-NATO convoy] close to his former power base of Saint Petersburg. That might well be the underlying intent [of this military convoy].
This may be part of a major NATO exercise to be held in the area. The Netherlands is also involved. 
Of course, NATO military exercises can occur anywhere. But why specifically are they taking place in Estonia [at Russia's doorstep]? And why are they displaying American flags right on the Russian border? And why now, with the resurgence of war in Ukraine? (See map right of the city of Narva, Russia’s border town Ivangorod is on the other side of the River).