
Sunday, June 22, 2014

SHOCK VIDEO: Filmmaker Shows How Agents Pulled Off the Border Allowing Criminals Easy Entry

by Brian Hayes | Top Right News
There is not much we can add to this stunning video. You just need to see and SHARE it, using the links above.
Dennis Michael Lynch, America’s foremost chronicler of the border and immigration, went down to Texas, and was stunned as he saw the border left wide open for cartel criminals to cross over, as our agents have been pulled off the job to process the thousands of  woman, children and teenagers surrendering to them.
Lynch also alluded to what we have heard and Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Louis Gohmert have claimed — that many, if not most, of the children coming over do NOT belong to the adults accompanying them. This means the Administration is aiding and abetting child trafficking, likely sex trafficking as well. Unbelievable.